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2013-03-20 01:39


【 liuxue86.com - 作文大全 】

本日记是关于小学三年级的日记,题目为:《Spaceship and Toy Dog 》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

Spaceship and Toy Dog

On Pipilu’s birthday, his friend gave him a toy dog. It’s very beautiful and made of gold.

Pipilu likes it very much. He always takes it with him. One day, when he was in a kitchen, he put his toy dog into the electric cooker. After a short time, to his surprise, the dog began to speak: if you say“dog, dog , turn into spaceship, I can turn into spaceship.”

“Ok”, Pipilu said “I say like that.” In a few minutes, the toy dog turned into spaceship really!

Spaceship speaked again, it said: now you say‘drive to Mars, drive to Mars’ I can take you to Mars!

“Ok!” Pipilu was very excited and said like that at once. So they flied into the sky and went to Mars!

What a magic thing!

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