
炖肉的做法 >> 正文 >


我埋头工作 I just threw myself into work

是因为这比面对那事要轻松 because that was easier than facing what had happened.

然后不知不觉 我拥有的就只剩公司了 And next thing I knew, the company was all I had left,

而你却想从我手中抢走 and you wanted to take it from me.

我得做个了结 我们之间 I had to be done... with us.

我一直都很愤怒 I mean, I am so angry all the time, and--

我了解那种感觉 I know the feeling.

我不想一无所有地离开 I mean, I didn‘t want to walk away with nothing.

毕竟我们经历了这么多 Not after everything we‘d been through,

我成长的环境又是那样 not after the way I grew up.

我必须要卖掉它 即使 I needed to sell, even if--

英雄所见略同哈 Great minds think alike, huh?

丹尼 如果我们能摆脱 Danny, if we get out of this...

当 当我们摆脱 When. When we get out of here.

也许我们可以 Maybe we could--

从头再来会不会很疯狂 Too crazy if we try again?

我觉得我们已经够疯狂了 I think it‘s just crazy enough.

很抱歉我想杀死你 亲爱的 I‘m so sorry I tried to kill you, honey.

我也是 Me too.

纽约警察 NYPD!

弗斯科 Fusco!

-不 -求你住手 - No! - Please, don‘t do this!

你躲不过去的 警探 You can‘t hide from me, Detective.

她才没躲 Hey, she ain‘t hiding.

你还好吧 Are you okay?

还好 Yeah.

和快乐先生共事 我哪敢不穿防弹衣 I know better than to forget my vest when I‘m working with Mr. Happy.

约翰呢 Where is John?

圣地亚哥呢 Santiago?

他和同伴已经被放倒了 He and his goons are down.

抱歉搞得很乱 Sorry about the mess.

没关系 反正我也不喜欢 It‘s okay. I didn‘t really like it anyway.

-行了吗 -好的 - You got it? - Yeah.

我会打电话给韦斯 他会帮我们找最好的律师 I‘ll call Wes. He‘ll get us the best lawyers.

咱们处理这事的时候 布鲁克斯会负责公司事务 Brooks will keep things going while we work this out.

他们又复合了 不是吧 They‘re back together? Come on.

爱情是很有趣的 弗斯科 Love‘s a funny thing, Fusco.

又一个凶案组的宁静夜晚啊 Just another quiet night on the task force, huh?

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