
炖肉的做法 >> 正文 >


孩子出问题 Kids come pre-wired,

和你的教育方式没有关系 it has nothing to do with your parenting.

我挺喜欢自己金发的样子 I pretty much like being a blonde.

感觉像是棉花糖 I feel like cotton candy.

你好 Hi.

我叫菲奥娜·加拉格我来探访黛比 Uh, my name‘s Fiona Gallagher. I‘m here to visit Debbie.

她在吗 Is she here?

-你是她母亲-姐姐 - Are you her mother? - Sister.

我只是来问候一下我能见她吗 I just want to say hi. May I see her?

我只是想和她说说话 I just want to talk to her!

在这说吧 Do all your talking out here.

15分钟之后她就得回来干活 I‘m gonna need her back in 15 for chores.

你还好吗 You okay?

我很好 Yeah, I‘m fine.

这里面有一万个孩子吗 Are there a million kids in there?

只有几个他们人还都不错 Just a few, but they‘re really nice.

卡马拉也没那么坏 And Kamala‘s not so bad.

床很舒服还有热水 Bed‘s pretty comfortable and there‘s hot water.

我给你带了一些书和衣服 I brought you some books and clothes.

-你需要钱吗-不不需要 - Do you need any money? - Nope. I‘m good.

你觉得我们什么时候能回家 When do you think we can g小儿癫痫手术治疗能治好吗 大家来看看吧o back home?

很快 Soon. Real soon.

我给你带了一些巧克力 I brought you some Hershey‘s Kisses too.

当年我到第一个领养家庭的时候这些可珍贵了 These were like gold when I was in my first foster home.

谢谢 Thanks.

我把你弟弟今天的工作文件拿来了 Hey, I got your brother‘s working papers for today.

好我会给他谢谢 Oh, great. I‘ll give them to him. Thanks.

-他在哪-厕所 - Where is he? - Uh, latrine.

他晚上基本都待在那 He‘s been there most of the night.

事实证明吃这些烂糊糊也能让你肚子疼 Turns out eating diarrhea can actually giv杭州哪家治癫痫最好e you diarrhea, so...

进出都要签字 Signed. In and out.

我最好在熄灯之前看到他 And I better see him at lights out.

就是这样利亚姆画大圈 That‘s it, Liam. Big circles.

请进 Please, come in.

卡尔利亚姆有人来看你们 Carl! Liam! You have a visitor!

-你好我是拉尼尔-我是菲奥娜·加拉格 - Hi there, I‘m Lanier. - Hey, Fiona Gallagher.

菲奥娜 Fiona!

看看你俩 Hey! Look at you two!

你们好 Hey!

你看上去真干净 Wow, you look so clean.

他们让我们每天洗澡 Yeah, they make us take baths every night.

他们那个儿童癫痫病#!佳的治疗时期是多大奇怪的马桶还能洗屁股 And they have this weird toilet that cleans your bits.

那叫坐浴盆 A "Bidet."

到了夏天 Sometimes in the summer

我们偶尔用草坪洒水器干这活 we use a whacky lawn sprinkler for that, but...

我们得看看你这有力的小胳膊 we gotta watch the spinning arms, right?

我们得看看你这有力的小胳膊 We gotta watch those spinning arms.

请坐吧 Please, come. Have a seat.

很高兴看到有人爱着这俩小子 It‘s nice to see that the boys have someone who loves them.

我们很高兴你能来 We‘re glad you came.

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