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日语口语学习:204 予約する 预订_日语情景对话

I ended up in the road with my legs over the remains of the wheelchair.

我最后躺在路上 腿搭着剩下的轮椅

The accident destroyed my wheelchair and damaged my computer system with which I communicate.

这场事故弄坏了我的轮椅 还毁了 我用来交流的计算机

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I required 13 stitches in my head but I was able to go back to work several days later.

我要在头上缝十三针 但是几天之后我就能够回去工作了

The memories I have are very much kind of visual pictures of what Stephen was of seeing Stephen in certain situations.

我对那一段的记忆 大概是史蒂芬当时的样子 以及他在那种情形下的情况

He was always moving.Always.Well, hardly ever still.

他总是在动 总是 几乎没安静过

It was the same thing about his face and gesture which he used a great deal, I should say but it‘s only memory.

关于他的表情和姿态也一样 他曾常用的那些 我应该说 但这仅仅是记忆了

I found some photographs recently which reminded me of the general look of everybody

最近我找到一些照片 使我想起每一个人的样子

and I must say Stephen looked very much like he does now if one thinks of him like that.

我必须说史蒂芬非常像他现在的样子 如果你能想起以前的他

He does believe very int儿童癫痫可以治愈吗ensely in the almost infinite possibility of the human mind.

他非常强烈地相信 人类的思想有无限可能

You have to find out what you can‘t know before you know you can‘t, don‘t you?

在你知道你不能之前 你一定能发现那些你没法知道的事情 不是吗

So I don‘t think that thought should be restricted at all.


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