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绝命毒师(Breaking Bad) 第1季 第07集 第03期_绝命毒师(Breaking Bad) 第1季

Young people have urges, which is only natural. I also have urges.


I mean, the point is, you‘re 18. And I have my eye on you.

Jay, what are you doing? Go inside.

No means no!

Run! Score! Win! Yes!

And with 4 minutes left in the second quarter that‘s Dolphins 27 Badgers nothing.

All right! What a gam杭州三甲公立癫痫医院e!

Our guys were playing like they come from a much poorer neighborhood.

You don‘t think it‘s funny that we haven‘t seen that girl, Sam, the one named for a boy? I mean, it‘s a big game. If she was really his girlfriend, she...

Gloria, be realistic. What do you want, her standing in the first row with a sign saying "Go, Manny"?

I‘m just 癫痫病#!好的治疗方案saying that... ‘Cause that‘s what she‘s doing.

That‘s her? She‘s pretty. She made that sign for him?

I told you, she‘s a great girl. And look she used glitter, for god‘s sakes.

Jay, I think that she really likes him. Look.

She looks at him the same way that I look at him. So sweet.

And in her case, healthy.

Go, Dolphins!

We‘re really giving our fans their money‘s worth tonight, boys. He came.

He‘s at the 30, at the 20, the 10, and he‘s in for a touchdown.

Badgers score.

What? !

We haven‘t let anyone run back a kick all year. What happened?

Run! Tackle! Try!

Touchdown, Badgers.

What‘s going on, coach? All of a sudden, everyone‘s just off.


At least Mitchell finally made it to a game.


Focus, defense. They got two players hurting us. It‘s not that much to keep track of!

Shoot. Mustard.

I couldn‘t tell Manny because it would kill him, and I couldn‘t tell Gloria because she would kill me.

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