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This is Minute.

Bill De Blasio officially becomes New York City‘s 109th mayor. Former President Bill Clinton performed the inauguration and stated his strong support for De Blasio‘s progressive and liberal agenda, making De Blasio the first Democratic mayor of New York City since 1993.

And the beginning of the new era in Colorado today: the first sale of recreational pot is made legally, kicking off a new marijuana industry in the U.S.

14 people are hospitalized after a building exploded and caught fire in Minneapolis.南京癫痫病重点医院 The explosion occurred around 8:15 in the morning. The cause is still unknown.

Italians welcomed the New Year with a splash as a group of divers jumped into the icy Tiber River. They leapt from a height of 50 feet as crowds watched - an annual tradition since 1946.

Robert Bumsted, the Associated Press with Minute.

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