发布时间:2022-04-30 06:45:29
约格洛夫先生 听说地检官失去了起诉你的关键证人 Mr. Yogorov, I heard the ADA lost her key witness in your trial.
你真幸运啊 Lucky you.
-你他妈是谁啊 -去兜兜风吧 - Who the hell are you? - Let‘s take a ride.
约格洛夫先生 Mr. Yogorov...
我想我们可以相互帮助 I believe we can help each other.
你们是HR 是吧 You‘re HR, yes?
我听说你们完蛋了 I heard you guys were finished.
你听错了 Well, you heard wrong.
我还听说没人能见到老大 I also heard no one‘s ever seen the boss.
舍曼斯基警探是你案子的关键 Detective Szymanski is key to your case.
他逮捕了你 检查了犯罪现场 He did the arrest, processed the me scene.
不过现在他的证词要受到严格检查了 But now his testimony is under scrutiny,
他碰过的东西都要受到质疑了 and everything he‘s touched is in question.
彼得 我们可以让你和你弟弟 Peter, we can make sure that you and your brother
再也不用接受审判 坐进大牢 never see the inside of a courtroom or jail cell again.
代价呢 In exchange for what?
幕后操纵需要钱 Pulling strings costs money.
我们需要现金 就这么简单 We need cash, plain and simple.
你救我们回家 就成交 You get us back home, we have a deal.
我得说 我没感觉跟踪卢有什么困难 I must say, I‘m not finding Lou difficult to tail at all.
也许我应该考虑从事特工职业 Perhaps I should have considered a career in the clandestine arts.
你那面运气如何 Any luck on your mission?
我刚和泽西这边 I just had a little chat with some
有头有脸的混混们聊了下 of the more notable lowlifes here in Jersey,
他们说卢黑帮里的老朋友都已经死了 and they say that all Lou‘s old mob buddies are dead.
被谋杀吗 Murdered?
自然死亡 卢是唯一还活着的 Natural南宁哪里能治好癫痫病 causes. Lou‘s the last man standing.
卢的财政状况呢 What about Lou‘s finances?
他欠了犯罪组织或是高利贷的钱吗 Is he in debt to any minal outfits or loan sharks?
至少这些人没听说 Not as far as these guys have heard.
看来我们又回到原点了 Guess that puts us right back where we started, huh?
里瑟先生 我认为卢的事 Mr. Reese, I think there may be more to Lou
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