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我们的茶园(Our Tea Plantation)_小学生英语作文

i have a relative who owns a tea plantation in the southern area of taiwan. once or twice a year i go to visit them for a holiday, and sometimes i help them collect tea leaves. a pound of tea is made of hundreds of dried tea leaves.

the plant they come from is a small evergree继发性癫痫病中药治疗那些见效快n tree. usually my relatives trim the trees so that they are only about three feet tall. when they are three years old, the tree are ready for th癫痫大发作治疗首选e first picking.

only the buds and the very young leaves are picked. pickers carry baskets for the leaves as they walk along the rows. 兰州哪家治疗癫痫病picking is done several times a season. there are many kinds of tea. my relatives are busy all the year round.

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