
炖肉的做法 >> 正文 >


No direct POVs.

I went up the tree,

and I can see directly into the living room.

There‘s a view of the couch and the TV.

Hannah is on the phone, watching "Survivor."

"oh, look who got voted off the island."

"I always hated that creep.

I‘m starving."

I see the kitchen, the fridge.

She goes for some string cheese.

Dude, what are you doing?

He‘s role playing.

What‘s going on?

He likes to role play.

I follow you around.

I sit and watch you watch TV,

but how does that trigger me to break into your house?

She goes to her bedroom.

You watch her undress, go to bed, sleep.

That would escalate to vio贵阳癫痫病#!好的医院lence.

But Hannah‘s bedroom is on the other side of the house.

Right. Wait, wait, wait.

There‘s a window on the right side of the house.

Who‘s room is that?

Thomas‘ bedroom.

What if Hannah isn‘t the target?

Hannah made a journal of every time she felt followed.

Where is it?

Daycare, store,playground.


Thomas was with her every time.

We have the wrong victim. It‘s thomas.


Hello, Mrs. McCoy.This is Lieutenant Davis.

Yes, Lieutenant Davis?

Is Thomas OK?

Yeah. He‘s fine.

He‘s watching a movie downstairs.

OK. I don‘t mean to scare you,

but I need you to check on him right now.

What‘s this all about?

We think the person who broke in might have been there for Thomas.



Thomas? Thomas?

Thomas, baby, where are you?


Oh, my god.



Thomas? Thomas?

Thomas--he‘s gone. He‘s not here.

Thomas? Thomas?

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